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Welcome again to our monthly newsletter with features on exciting celestial and earth science events, product reviews, tips & tricks, and a monthly sky calendar. We hope you enjoy it!


Starry Night for Planning

If you’re new to astronomy, a popular list to start with is the list of comet lookalikes compiled by Charles Messier in the eighteenth century. Messier’s objective was to discover new comets by sweeping the sky, and he wanted to keep track of objects which looked like comets, but were permanent fixed objects. He had no particular interest in what these objects really were, but today we recognize them as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies, what we call deep sky objects. Messier’s list is a classic because it includes most of the brightest deep sky objects in the sky, and these objects are spread widely across the sky, so that there are always objects to choose from on a given night.

When I first started observing Messier’s list in 1957, I immediately realized that it was literally a mess! Messier had compiled the list over many decades, adding to it as he observed things, so that the objects are in no particular order. The first thing I did was to sort the list into order by right ascension. This was long before the days of personal computers, so this sorting was a long tedious process. By placing the objects in right ascension order, I had a good idea of what objects were visible on any particular night, and what objects were close to each other.

Nowadays, with software like Starry Night, this task is almost instantaneous. Click on the Lists tab on the left side of the screen to open the Observing Lists pane. For now, we just want a complete list of the Messier objects. Under Observing Lists, click the Add button. This brings up the Observing Tools window. For now, select Messier Objects under Database, and click the Find button. You should get a list of all 110 Messier objects in the Search Results box. Right-click (or control-click) on any item in this list and choose Add All. You now have a complete list of all the Messiers in the Current Observing List box. You can sort these in right ascension order by clicking in the RA column heading. Give this list a name, say “Complete Messiers,” and click OK to save.

You can now view this list in the Observing Lists pane by clicking on it in the Observing Lists box; it will be displayed in the List Viewer box. Again you can sort it by right ascension by clicking in the RA column header. Clicking on the Export button will export the list as a text file which can easily be imported into Excel or other programs.

Now, any of the objects you check in the List Viewer box will be marked in Starry Night’s display window.

In practice, it’s much easier to limit your observing list in the Observing Tools window to the current night’s observing window.

Once you’ve got an ordered list, what’s the best way to tackle it under the stars? Remember that the Earth is constantly rotating, so that objects are constantly moving westward towards the western horizon. On any given night, you want to observe the objects in the west first, or, in other words, those with the lowest right ascension. You also want to give priority to objects low in the south, because they are visible for the shortest time. Objects at high northern declinations have a lower priority because they are circumpolar, and so never set. All of the above is phrased for observers in the northern hemisphere; reverse north and south if you live south of the equator.

Geoff Gaherty
Geoff has been a life-long telescope addict, and is active in many areas of visual observation; he is a moderator of the Yahoo "Talking Telescopes" group.

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Educator's Corner: The Death of Betelgeuse

Located in the constellation Orion, this bright star is classified as a red supergiant as shown in the accompanying H-R diagram. Last month we saw that sun-like stars turn into red giants near the end of their life. A red supergiant must then be a more massive star near the end of its life.

And indeed Betelgeuse may be as much as twenty times more massive as our Sun. Even though it may only be about 10 million years old, it has burned through its original hydrogen fuel at a tremendous pace and may only have a million years left to live. Compare that to the Sun's total life span of about ten billion years!

Like the Sun's eventual fate, the core of Betelgeuse will contract and helium will fuse into heavier elements. But because of the increased mass, higher temperatures can be reached and fusion will not stop at carbon but continue on to iron. This is the end of the line for energy-creating fusion. As more iron builds up the core collapses in the blink of an eye along with the outer layers of the star. Eventually the core is so dense that electrons are forced into protons forming neutrons and further collapse is halted. The core rebounds and crashes into the outer layers of the collapsing star creating a burst of energy known as a Type II supernova. It is here that there is enough energy to fuse nuclei into heavier elements such as uranium.

Not only does the resulting supernova shine as brightly as an entire galaxy but a good portion of the original star is blown off into space. M1, the famous Crab Nebula, is the remnant of a supernova explosion that was recorded by Chinese astronomers in 1054 AD.

The expelled material mixes with interstellar hydrogen and helium and eventually will form a new generation of stars like our Sun. Our Earth owes its heavy elements to some supernova explosion long ago and we are all made up of some “Star Stuff”.

Left behind is a tiny but massive neutron star so dense that a teaspoon full of material weighs as much as a mountain. And, depending on the actual mass of this neutron star, further collapse is possible. This time, matter becomes so concentrated that gravity allows not even light to escape giving rise to a so-called black hole.

So what happens when Betelgeuse goes supernova? Will life on earth be in danger? Based on its distance of about 600 light years, the supernova should be as bright as the Full Moon and be easily visible in the daytime sky. But astronomers assure us that no harmful effects will befall us.

Further Study

Question 1: In the article we discussed Type II supernovae. What is a Type I supernova?

Question 2: What would be the expected life span of a very low mass star?

Answer to last month's question:

Less mass means weaker gravity so any surviving planets should move a bit further away from the Sun.

Herb Koller

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Starry Night® File of the Month

Local Wall – Coma-Sculptor Cloud

Pedro Braganca
Education & Content Director
Starry Night® Education

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Constellation in Focus: Auriga

Constellation Map: Auriga

Auriga is most notable for its three bright open clusters and for sporting one of the ten brightest stars in the night sky, Capella.

In ascending order of interest are Auriga's three Messier-designated open clusters: M36, M38 and M37. All are clearly visible to the naked eye from a dark site and, in binoculars, appear as bright fuzzy patches; naturally, a telescope brings out the most detail. M36 will show around 50 stars in an 8" scope while M38 shows twice as many stars, some in apparent chain-like arrangements. But the most notable of the trio is M37. In a 12" scope, roughly 150 starts are visible in this neatly arranged cluster, some tinged red.

NGC 1931 is a bright emission nebula surrounding a very small open cluster. With high magnification in an 8" telescope, the nebula is quite apparent.

Sean O'Dwyer
Starry Night® Times Editor

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Tips & Tricks

Light Pollution

You can also turn on light pollution by right-clicking (Ctrl-click on the Mac) on the background sky in the main window. This will open a contextual menu with two light pollution options: Local Light Pollution and Distant Light Pollution.

Pedro Braganca
Education & Content Director
Starry Night® Education

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Sky Events

Moon Phases

Tue., Feb. 7
4:54 p.m. EST
Full Moon

The Full Moon of Feb. is usually called the Wolf Moon. In Algonquian it is called Snow Moon. Other names are Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, and Candles Moon. In Hindi it is known as Magh Poornima. Its Sinhala (Buddhist) name is Navam Poya. The Full Moon rises around sunset and sets around sunrise, the only night in the month when the Moon is in the sky all night long. The rest of the month, the Moon spends at least some time in the daytime sky.

Tue., Feb. 14
12:04 p.m. EST
Last Quarter Moon
The Last or Third Quarter Moon rises around 1 a.m. and sets around 11 a.m. It is most easily seen just after sunrise in the southern sky.

Tue., Feb. 21
5:35 p.m. EST
New Moon

The Moon is not visible on the date of New Moon because it is too close to the Sun, but can be seen low in the east as a narrow crescent a morning or two before, just before sunrise. It is visible low in the west an evening or two after New Moon.

Wed., Feb. 29
8:21 p.m. EST
The First Quarter Moon
rises around 10:30 a.m. and sets around 2 a.m. Observing Highlights

Observing Highlights

Thu, Feb. 9
Evening twilight
Venus 0.3 degrees north of Uranus
These two planets will be in the same field of view in a small telescope.

Fri., Feb. 10–Fri. Feb. 24
Evening Zodiacal Light
The dim glow of the zodiacal light, caused by sunlight illuminating interplanetary dust, can be seen in the western sky after the end of evening twilight.


Sun., Feb. 12
Morning twilight Saturn
Spica, and the Moon
A pretty grouping of the planet Saturn, the bright star Spica, and the waning gibbous Moon.


Sat. and Sun., Feb. 25 and 26
Evening twilight
Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon
On successive nights, the Moon will be close to the planets Venus and Jupiter.

Sat., Mar. 3
3:00 p.m. EST
Mars at opposition
Mars will be directly opposite the Sun in the sky. It rises at sunset and sets at sunrise, visible the whole night. Because of Mars’ elliptical orbit, it will not actually be closest to Earth until nearly two days later.

Mon., Mar. 5
Noon EST
Mars closest to Earth
Mars will be 0.674 astronomical units (100,780,754 kilometers) from Earth. This is a very unfavorable apparition of Mars, Mars being about as far from Earth as is possible, close to aphelion.

Tue, Mar. 6
Evening twilight
Mercury at greatest elongation east
Mercury will be at its best in the evening sky for the year 2012 for observers in the northern hemisphere. Jupiter and Venus ride high above it.


Mercury will be well placed as an evening “star” during the last week of Feb.

Venus is a brilliant object in the evening sky after sunset all month. The waxing crescent Moon will pass close to Venus on Sat. Feb. 25.

Mars returns to Leo on Feb. 4. It grows in size from 12 arc seconds to 14 arc seconds during the month, as large as it will get during this apparition. By the end of the month it reaches magnitude –1.2, heading towards opposition on March 3 and its closest approach to Earth on March 5. Mars rises around 9 p.m. and shines brightly the rest of the night.

Jupiter continues to be well placed in the evening sky all month in Aries. Jupiter and Venus are the brightest objects in the evening sky other than the Sirius and the Moon.

Saturn irises around midnight, and is visible the rest of the night. It now shines brighter than nearby Spica.

Uranus is close to Venus on Feb. 9, but is sinking low in the western sky.

Neptune is too close to the Sun to observe, being in conjunction with the Sun on Feb. 19.

Geoff Gaherty

Data for this calendar have been derived from a number of sources including the Observer's Handbook 2012 of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Starry Night® software, and others. Only events with a reasonable possibility for Northern Hemisphere observers, or those events with some other significance, are given. All times shown are U.S. Eastern Time.


Sky Events
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