Starry Night is an excellent
aid for exploring the heavens...a superb, well documented program that
will transform you into an expert in no time. "There are few experiences as invigorating as being out in the countryside standing under a canopy of star on a still night. Starry Night conveys that feeling better than any other desktop planetarium" --New York Times |
StarGazer The Wonderful Birthday Stars of The Winter Triangle The three bright stars in the Winter Triangle (Sirius, Procyon and Betelgeuse) are due south in late February and early March several hours after sunset. Sirius is the brightest star in Canis Major (the Big Dog), and Procyon is the brightest star in Canis Minor (the Little Dog). The inner red line on this diagram shows how big Sirius is compared to the sun, and the outer red line shows how big Procyon would be. A similar line cannot be shown for Betelgeuse, because it is more than 500 times as large as the sun!
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